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Colombia Travel Tips | Things You Mustn’t Do in Medellin Colombia

Medellin Colombia skyline.
Medellin DatingMake your Colombian vacation a lot more memorable and
enjoyable by reading our travel tips here!

One of the most important travel tips that you need to always keep in mind when traveling overseas is to avoid and stay as far away from conflict as possible. We cannot stress that enough.

Although the importance and advantages of avoiding conflict while in a foreign land is almost a no-brainer, a lot of travelers still don’t fully appreciate how doing so can make your trip so much more enjoyable. This is especially true when traveling to places like Medellin Colombia which adheres to an entirely different set of values, beliefs, cultures, and traditions than what you’ve been accustomed to.

So before you even book a flight to Medellin, it’s important to learn some of its cultural taboos first in order to avoid offending anyone there. This will really help you get along with the locals and even increase your chances of befriending them and possibly even end up dating and eventually marrying a Colombian woman - if that’s your thing.

To help you avoid getting stuck in an untoward situation while in Medellin, here are just a few things that you need always to keep in mind:

The Escobar Tour

Medellin, Colombia, is very sensitive when it comes to anything that has to do with drugs. Taking the Escobar Tour is equal to glorifying Medellin cartel and other drug personalities that has only brought chaos to hundreds of thousands. Don’t spit on their face through boycotting narco-tourism. Keep your love for the TV series Narcos to yourself because no one is a fan of that here. Don’t mention Pablo Escobar or joke about anything drug-related because people here, especially Medellin women, will shut off their ears and give you a look you wouldn’t ever want to see. Allow yourself to gain insights of Medellin’s dark past and be in awe with the city’s progress throughout the years by understanding the Colombian culture, traditions, and history. Plus, Medellin women will admire and respect you that they will no doubt accept your first date invitation once you offer it.

Wearing Inappropriate Clothes and Shiny Things

Slippers, shorts, and Hawaiian T-shirts are frowned upon. While it’s fine in Cartagena, you’re making yourself an easy target to muggers in Medellin, Colombia. What’s more is that as seen in the TV series Narcos, Pablo Escobar loves that kind of fashion. It can be appropriate because of the wonderful warmth of the Medellin climate, but drug personalities like him makes it inappropriate. Keep your shiny things such as smartphones, laptops, watch, and camera under the hotel’s supervision or in your bag. The former is highly suggested. Wouldn’t be great to focus on making unforgettable moments with your Medellin woman rather than being on your phone or constantly being connected to the internet world?

Going for the Unofficial or Illegal Taxi

Uber is considered illegal in Medellin; however, it didn’t stop foreigners taking it because the Uber drivers find a way to escape the police. Don’t be one of those foreigners; save yourself from unnecessary worries and troubles. Always choose the official taxi of Medellin or ask your hotel to have a taxi pick you up from the airport. Medellin women will also appreciate you knowing the law and doing what is right.

Giving Offensive Hand Gestures

Thumbs up and okay signs are among the most offensive hand gestures you should avoid doing not just in Medellin but in Latin America. These two are equivalent to flipping someone off. An interesting fact is that the middle finger hand gesture is not offensive at all that people use to point it to someone or just doing it for fun’s sake. Here’s a bonus information for you: stupid is not taken lightly here. Avoid calling someone stupid at all cost. How about explaining and suggesting better ways so you can help them become better? You’ll increase your chances of dating Medellin women because you’re showing that you choose to be a better person in the state of anger—a skill that takes years, if not forever, to learn.

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